The Uncomfotable @ Cité du Design

After a very successful mini exhibition in the failure’s weekend festival in Cité des sciences et de l’industrie, Sylvie Sauvignet decided to make feature the exhibition again for a few months in Cite Du Design, in St., Etienne, this time with a focus on design.

The Uncomfortables, The museum of Failure and recreations of Jacques Carelman’s art came together to ask questions on innovation and failure when it comes to the creation process.

Mistakes are almost always of a sacred nature. Never try to correct them. Salvador Dali.

Unfortunately, the exhibition was scheduled to open in April 2020 but had to be postponed several times due to the pandemic. It finally opened in December 2020 and started accepting visitors later. One of the weirdest but happy experiences during the lockdowns here in Greece was to watch the opening that was captured on live video on Instagram!

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