Do we really? @ TEDxPoznan
In 2018, I was invited for a second time (!!) to give a TEDx talk, this time for TEDxPoznan. The theme was “Do we really have to?” and I decided to try and answer the question: Do we really have to design comfortable objects?
I talked about my story, forks and innovation and most of all, I had a blast! The audience was amazing!
I have to say a big thank you to Mateusz and Anna for the invitation and support throughout the preparation, Katarzyna for the all the help with my stress backstage, Sara for the beautiful make-up, Maciek Kautz for being an amazing host, Sebastian Dacków for the super photos.
And of course to Krzysztof, Kasia, Rafał, Jagoda, Maciej, Helena Norowicz, Matt, Agnieszka, Ania for sharing your point of view on the theme and Barbara Drążkowska for the melody!